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Questions & Answers

Below is a list of frequently asked questions that can help you learn more about our practice:

Q: How do I know if my child needs a speech evaluation?
A: An evaluation may be appropriate for your child if he/she is:
     * not talking as much as much as peers
     * difficult to understand
     * repeating words and sounds often while speaking, getting stuck on words (stuttering)
     * having difficulty with social interactions
     * demonstrating weakness in vocabulary, grammar, or reading comprehension
     * having difficulty following directions
     * using an incorrect swallowing pattern (tongue thrust)
     * demonstrating an abnormal vocal, pitch, or resonance quality in their voice

Keep in mind that this list is not comprehensive, if you have an questions about your child’s speech or language, please do not hesitate to speak with us directly about your concerns!

Q:  What does the evaluation process involve?
A:  Our evaluation process involves meeting with you, gathering pertinent health/developmental history, as well as completing standardized testing to determine the need for therapy services. We make this process as fun and comfortable for your child as possible!

Q:  Do I need a referral from my doctor in order to receive speech therapy services?
A:  In most cases, the answer is no, however this decision is typically made by your insurance company. We are able to accept self-referrals at this time.

Q: Do insurance plans cover speech therapy services?
A:  Every plan in is different, but speech therapy is typically a covered service. There are usually limitations and exclusions involved, but we have many patients that receive coverage. We also accept private pay.

Q: Do you offer home or school therapy visits?
A: At this time we are able to offer therapy visits at a variety of private schools in the area. Availability for this service is determined on a case-by-case basis. We are not able to conduct visits in your home.

Q:  What ages do you work with?
A: We work with children and adults of all ages. Communication develops and changes throughout a lifetime, it is never too early or too late to get help if you have a concern

Q: Do you evaluate and treat all types of communication differences, delays, and disorders?
A: Absolutely not! There are many different diagnosis that may require speech therapy services, we will be more than happy to refer you to another professional if we believe your needs are outside of our expertise.